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FREE online courses on Corporate Strategies - Corporate Strategy - Industry Attractiveness- Business Strength Matrix


General Electric, with the assistance of the McKinsey and Company consulting firm, developed a more complicated matrix.  As depicted in Figure below, the GE Matrix includes nine cells based on long-term industry attractiveness and business strength/competitive position. The GE Matrix, in contrast to the BCG Growth-Share Matrix, includes much more data in its two key factors than just business growth rate and comparable market share.  For example, at GE, industry attractiveness includes market growth rate, industry profitability, size, and practices, among other possible opportunities and threats.  Business strength or competitive position includes market share as well as technological position, profitability, and size, among other possible strengths and weaknesses.


The individual product lines or business units are identified by a letter and plotted as circles on the GE Business Screen.  The area of each circle is in proportion to the size of the industry in terms of sales. The pie slices within the circles depict the market share of each product line or business unit.



Figure:  The Industry Attractiveness-Business Strength Matrix


Dimensions of the Matrix

Industry                  Subjective assessment based on external factors,

Attractiveness         noncontrollable by the firm, that are intended to capture the industry and competitive structure in which the business operates.


Business                  Subjective assessment based on the critical success Strength             factors, largely  controllable  by  the  firm, that  define the

competitive position of a business within its industry.




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